Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Cut Pile Carpet Beginnings

Although there are many delightful videos of people in traditional cut pile carpet lands, generally they are not meant to give instructions for making this type of carpet. Handicrafts A to Z has an excellent series of videos which I strongly recommend. And the cultural ones are delightful!

Here are my basic steps.

1. Warp a loom (ideally, some sort of tapestry loom or other one which will let you create heddles).

2. Weave a header, keeping in mind that the color will show on all edges.

3. If you are working on a medium to large loom, string your wound yarn through a cotton or non-grabby thread above the heddle.

4. Pick up two warp threads (skipping the four warps which will be a selvedge).

5. Thread the short end of your wool between the warps, pointing to the right.

6. Take the short end over the two warp threads.

7. Pull the short end under the left warp thread and up through the center, pulling down so you have your completed knot, then cut the long end.

8. Repeat across the row.

9. Use your weft yarn to make two passes (across, then back again).

10. Whack the weft down with full strength. Do it straight on, not at an angle.

11. Comb knots with a narrow cat flea comb.

12. Use a quilters quarter rod or anything which has a quarter inch edge: a notebook, piece of wood, etc. Keeping it straight against the knots, cut the long knots.


Remember that the selvedge edges need to be woven separately so their height is the equal to the knot row. When you make the first pass and beat it down, be sure to build up the other selvedge before you return to the starting point.

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